
Monday, 30 September 2013

Lego Minecraft Stop Motion

Hi guys! It's Minecraft Monday again. But today is not about a normal Minecraft video. This one is a stop motion video made with Lego. 

I had a lot of fun making the set for this video and also gathering sound effects from Minecraft.  Now that we have a Lego Minecraft world, you'll be seeing more stop-motion videos from me.


Wednesday, 25 September 2013

LEGO Creator Review: Set 31012

We have a Lego City in our basement, and I'll be sharing much more about the city in future posts. Today I made a quick video review of the newest house that we added to our city:

Tuesday, 24 September 2013

Artist Focus Class: Tom Thompson

I have been taking an artist focus class at 4Cats Arts Studios, and we've been studying Tom Thompson, a Canadian artist who would have been another member of the Group of Seven if he hadn't died so mysteriously.

Here's one of his paintings:

At our first class, we started our paintings by outlining the trees. We also painted one colour of tree:

During our second class, we worked on some fish sculptures because Tom Thompson loved to fish. Check mine out:

Obviously neither of these is done yet, so I'll post some updates.

Monday, 23 September 2013

Minecraft: My Amusement Park

It's Minecraft Monday!
Yesterday I uploaded a short video to show you my Minecraft Amusement Park.

I started by making my first roller coaster, then got more advanced. My first roller coaster was the Roller Coaster Of Death I. I used red wool with rails on top to make the roller coaster. But of course, Minecraft carts have weight, so you need powered rails with redstone torches underneath the red wool.

After making my roller coaster, I made some mini games like the ball throw and the mirror maze. I got the idea of making an amusement park by watching people play on the super popular Minecraft map Fun Land. Even my funny looking enderman observatory was an idea I got from Fun Land.

If you see anything in my amusement park that you'd like to know more about, or how to make it, just leave me a comment and I'll let you know.

Sunday, 22 September 2013

Movie Review: School of Rock

My family often goes to the Cineplex Family Favourites on Saturday mornings, and we recently went to see School of Rock. The movie came out the year I was born, and amazingly, I'd never seen it before. It was awesome!

The movie starts off with Dewey (Jack Black) getting kicked out of his own band. He doesn't have money to pay rent, and things are going terrible for him. His roommate is a substitute teacher who isn't home one day when a call comes in. Dewey decides to pretend he's Mr. Schneebly and goes to teach at a school. 

He finds out that his students are great musicians, but they play classical music, not rock. He decides to teach them all about rock.

He realizes that the kids could help form a band for Battle of the Bands. He convinces them that this is going to be a school project:

 Everyone in the class ended up having a role:
  • Some people played music:
  • Some people sang backup:

  • Some people were roadies and worked on the technical parts of the performance, like lighting and smoke effects:
  • Some people worked on security and surveillance. Their job was to keep an eye out for the principal and to make sure that no one knew what they were up to in the classroom:

  • And Summer was the band's manager:

While I was watching this movie, I was thinking that I would love to be in this class. I love music, and this would be so much fun. Luckily, in real life, I have an awesome music teacher at my school. I love how much fun they got to have while they were learning, and not everybody was doing the same thing.

Check out the movie trailer:

If you haven't seen this movie yet, I recommend that you watch it. If you have seen the movie, I think you should watch it again. Has anyone out there seen School of Rock? What did you think of the movie? Leave a comment.

By the way, I also discovered that they had a 10-year reunion this summer:


Friday, 20 September 2013

My First Blog Post

Hi there, everyone!

I love to create things whether it's on paper, canvas, or technology, and I'm going to be sharing these things with you!

I love playing video games, making art, and reading. We also have a Lego City in our basement, and I'll share our buildings with you. I'm also interested in stop motion videos, so don't be surprised if you see some of those.

I will share my creations with you via this blog.Yesterday I posted my first YouTube video, which was just me practicing speaking clearly for my videos, but still, check it out:

I look forward to sharing much more with you!
