Title: Melvin Beederman Superhero: Attack of the Valley Girls
Author: Greg Trine
Number Of Pages: 144 pages
Melvin was bored - there hadn't been trouble in days. However, the mayor, who was alsoa mad scientist, was making a potion to turn his nice son, Mike, evil. Unfortunately, his dog,Schnitzel, took the potion, thinking it was a milkshake, and ran outside where a hawk picked him up. Schnitzel dropped the potion over a chicken coop. Chickens started swearing and fighting,and they wanted to wear leather jackets and ride motor cycles. But the potion also affected the eggs that the chickens laid.
Those “evil” eggs were used to make cookies. One of those cookies was split and eaten by two teenage orphans named Brittany and Chantelle. They became EVIL and decided to take over the city. They started by kidnapping Schnitzel, the mayor/mad scientist's dog. They gaggedhim and took him to their lair, which happened to be Brittany's house. Melvin had heard about Schnitzel and started going door-to-door, asking if anyone saw any kidnappers. Nobody had seenanything. Melvin and his partner in un-crime, Candace, tried to solve the mystery.
Since they were evil, Brittany and Chantelle installed gamma drive into Brittany's convertible so they could quickly, but quietly, run over Melvin and Candace. They were speeding straight toward Melvin and Candace...
You'll need to read the book to find out what happens. Are Melvin and Candace safe? What about Schnitzel, the dog? What becomes of Brittany and Chantelle?
I drew 4 panels that show how the craziness started:
1. The mad Scientist created the potion.
2. The dog grabbed it, ran outside, and was picked up by a hawk. The potion was dropped on a chicken coop, and the chickens became evil. So did their eggs.
3. Those eggs, which looked normal, we're used to bake cookies.
4. The girls share a cookie and become evil as a result.
I liked the book because it was really funny. The characters made me laugh. Even the chickens in the chicken coop were hilarious. I would recommend this book to most of the boys in my class because they like Melvin Beederman books, and this one won’t disappoint them. I give this book 4 stars, because it was a fun book to read, but I have enjoyed other books more.
Melvin – main character, graduate of The Academy of Superheroes
Candace – Melvin’s sidekick, his “partner in un-crime”
Brittany – teenage girl with shopping addiction, cookie eater, and victim of evil potion
Chantelle – red-head teenage girl, also likes shopping, and ate the same cookie as Brittany
The Mad Scientist/Mayor – villain, wants lots of power, and wants to rule the world
Mike – the mad scientist/mayor’s son, who wants to be a superhero
Schnitzel – the mad scientist/mayor’s dog, whose mischief causes the problem in the book
If my book was any song genre it would be pop because it was fun to read, and pop music is fun to listen to. Melvin Beederman books are also a popular book series.